RSU 56 board meeting 10/22/2024 is now live on YouTube:
4 months ago, RSU 56 Updates
Students in grades K-12 are invited to audition on Monday, October 28, 2024 from 3:00 - 5:00 at Dirigo High School. The Missoula Children’s Theater staff will select 50-60 of our students to perform in the play. Rehearsals will be each night, Monday-Friday, from 3:00 - 7:15. Performances will be on Friday, November 1 at 6:30 and Saturday, November 2 at 1:00. Permission slips will be sent home with students this week. Please return them to your student’s school if your child is interested in auditioning. (Or show up with your student with the form in hand Monday, October 28, 2024 at Dirigo High School for the 3:00 audition.)
4 months ago, RSU56 Updates
RSU 56 Job Opening: Dirigo High School - Nutrition Worker. 4-Hours / Day. Please submit an application or a letter of interest to : Lisa Sanborn - or (207)562-7552.
4 months ago, RSU56 Updates
Job Posting
REGIONAL SCHOOL UNIT NO. 56 – OPENINGS RSU 56 is in immediate and dire need of the following posted positions. Please share far and wide. District Wide Van Aide (6 hours/day. 7:00 - 10:00, 1:30 - 4:30) Van Driver (4 hours/day, 7:00 - 9:00, 1:30 - 3:30) To secure and submit an application or letter of interest, please contact Lisa Sanborn (207) 562-7552 Posted October 13, 2024
4 months ago, RSU56 Updates
Good Evening from RSU 56, This is just a reminder that there will be no school for students on Friday, October 11th as we have a teachers workshop day in RSU 56, and also Monday, October 14th is Indigenous Peoples' Day. Enjoy the long weekend and we will see you back in school on Tuesday, October 15th.
4 months ago, RSU56 Updates
teacher workshop
DES Cubtastic Assembly 2024.10.04 on YouTube 1:25 PM
4 months ago, Jared Hodgkins
RSU 56 is looking to secure a few substitute nurses to cover when our school nurses have to be out of the district. Substitute nurse pay is currently $40/hour. Please call the RSU 56 Central Office at (207) 562-4300 if you are interested.
5 months ago, RSU56 Updates
There will be a Mental Health Conversation for RSU 10 and RSU 56 parents held at Dirigo Middle School on October 23rd from 430-6PM.
5 months ago, RSU56 Updates
mental health flyer
Reminder of today's Technology Sale. There are limited iPad and AppleTV's, but plenty of Laptops! The Technology department is happy to announce a Surplus Technology Sale! With all of the devices that we have replaced over the last year, we have a large number of used devices that we would like to offer to the staff, students, and community members before working with a reseller or recycling company. Devices will be sold on a first-come-first-served basis. We have approximately 200 13" MacBooks with the M1 Processor, around 50 iPad Generation 8 Wifi, and approximately 20 Apple TV's. Prices: - Apple Macbook Air, M1, 8GB Memory, 128GB Hard Drive (a few are 256): $300 - iPad 8th Generation Wifi, 32GB: $75 (Limited Number Left) - Apple TV's - $20 (Limited Number Left) The sale will be taking place on September 24th from 10AM until 6PM at the Central Office, 147 Weld Street in Dixfield, the small white building next to Dirigo High School. The sale will be first come first serve, we will not be taking pre-orders at this time. Payment in full is due when picking up the device, either by cash or a check written to Regional School Unit No. 56. These devices are all sold AS-IS with no warranty. There will be a 24-Hour grace period for you to switch out the device or get a refund if the device is not in working order. The refund or swap must be approved by the Technology Director. If you have any questions, please reach out to: Brian R. Keene Director of Technology Regional School Unit No. 56 (207)562-4300 x4103
5 months ago, RSU56 Updates
RSU 56 Winter Coaching Positions have been posted!
5 months ago, RSU56 Updates
winter coaching positions
This afternoon RSU 56 staff attended a training on Generative AI put on by Justin Cary from Drummond Woodsum. Our goal at RSU56 is to educate our staff on A.I. use in education so that our staff can teach our students with the most recent technology initiatives.
5 months ago, RSU56 Updates
staff training
Good Morning Dirigo Elementary School Parents & Guardians, Our first day with K-5 students is off to a great start. Just a reminder for any parent that is planning on picking their child up from school today (or for the entire year) we need a note stating that. If you did not send in a note today you can call the office by 1:00 PM at 562-4207. Please indicate if your child will be office just today or until further notice. Thank you and have a great day. Mr. Swan
5 months ago, RSU56 Updates
Here is the school board agenda for tonight's meeting at Dirigo High School 6:30PM -
5 months ago, RSU56 Updates
bd nm
Good morning, This is a reminder to all fall student-athletes and their families for the fall sports meeting happening on Sunday, August 18th at 6pm at Dirigo High School. This will be an opportunity for players and parents to meet with their coaches to get important information regarding the upcoming season. All preseason practices begin on Monday, August 19th. Preseason Paperwork is available by visiting the Dirigo High School website ( and clicking on DHS Athletics Forms. It is recommended that you provide the school with proof of a current physical to ensure that your child can participate in their first practice, and to have up to date records of physicals on file. Forms can be turned in directly to the coach, faxed to 207.562.6074, or can be submitted electronically by emailing them to Thank you, Sara Thurston Dirigo High School Athletic and Student Activities Director
6 months ago, Sara Thurston
Here is the link to the 2024-2025 school calendar:
7 months ago, RSU56 Updates
2024-2025 School Calendar
Current list of open teaching positions: Dirigo Elementary School: Music Teacher Dirigo Middle School: Math/Science Teacher To secure and submit an application or letter of interest, please contact: Lisa Sanborn - 207-562-7552,
7 months ago, RSU56 Updates
RSU56 Job Posting Update
7 months ago, RSU56 Updates
job posting update
Here is the link to the DMS Final Assembly today 6/13/24 at 9:30am
8 months ago, RSU56 Updates
RSU 56 Board Meeting 2024-06-11
8 months ago, RSU 56 Updates
Dirigo High School Class of 2024 Graduation - Event starts at 6PM on 6/7/24
8 months ago, RSU56 Updates