Regional School Unit No. 56
147 Weld Street, Dixfield, Maine 04224
Phone: (207)562-4300 - Fax: (207)562-6075
Pam Doyen, Superintendent of Schools
March 27, 2020
Dear Parents, Guardians and Community Members,
Due to our limited capacity to maintain multiple feeding sites as well as offer drop-off food delivery, we are, unfortunately, forced to make the difficult decision to reduce the number of food pick-up sites we are offering.
We will continue to offer pick up food sites at Dirigo High School and TWK Dirigo Middle School daily, Monday through Friday from 12:00 - 1:00.
If you have been picking food up at the Canton Town Office, Carthage Town Office, East Dixfield Fire Department or Dirigo Elementary School, today is the last day these sites will be open. Please know that RSU 56 will offer direct delivery to your home on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Enough meals will be delivered each day so that all days of the week are covered. If you are not currently receiving a direct delivery of food on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, please contact Superintendent Doyen. (Contact information listed above.) You are also invited to drive to either Dirigo High School or TWK Dirigo Middle School on weekdays between 12:00 - 1:00 for meal pick up.
Food is available for any child 18 or under, free of charge.
Please contact Superintendent Doyen with any questions, comments or concerns.
Thank you for your understanding.
Pam Doyen