
Regional School Unit No. 56

147 Weld Street, Dixfield, Maine 04224

Phone: (207)562-4300    -    Fax: (207)562-6075

Pam Doyen, Superintendent of Schools


May 13, 2021

Dear DHS and TWKDMS Students and Parents/Guardians,

RSU 56 was contacted by Rumford Hospital offering to hold a COVID vaccination clinic in RSU 56. I am pleased to inform you that a COVID vaccination clinic for students 12 years of age and up will be held at Dirigo High School and TWK Dirigo Middle School on May 20, 2021. (Second round shots will be on June 10, 2021.) This clinic will be run by Central Maine Health Care (Rumford Hospital). 

Students who sign up for the vaccination will be called out of class to have the vaccine administered. Students who attend Region 9 can be scheduled into the earliest time slots before they head to Region 9 for the day. Remote students can sign up for this clinic as well. Remote students will need to secure their own transportation to and from the clinic. 

If you would like your child(ren) to receive the COVID vaccination, please review the attached information and send the completed Registration Form and 2021 COVID-19 Vaccine Consent form back to Dirigo High School or TWK Dirigo Middle School by Wednesday, May 19, 2021. 

Rumford Hospital has provided a “Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers” which is also attached. 


Pam Doyen

COVID Vaccine Letter from RSU 56

COVID Fact Sheet

Registration Form

Consent Form