Per pupil cost was asked about at the budget hearing/validation meeting. Please find the information below:
Information on per pupil cost for districts can be found at:
As of December 1, 2018, the state average for per pupil cost was $12,197.95.
RSU 56 was $13,532.66.
RSU 10 was $13,729.65.
Other districts of similar size:
RSU 44 (Bethel) was $12,448.82
RSU 78 (Rangeley) was $16,708.78
RSU 58 (Strong) was $13,267.92.
Eustis Schools was $20,197.58
Other area districts:
RSU 73 (Jay, Livermore, Livermore Falls) was $11,001.08
RSU 17 (Oxford Hills) was $10,046.22
RSU 16 (Poland) was $10,504.15
RSU 9 (Mt. Blue) was $10,594.16
As you can see, smaller districts often cost more than larger districts to run. I would assume it is because it is more difficult to combine classroom to address student numbers, costs more to transport as smaller districts are often geographically large, etc. Additionally, smaller districts face the same mandates and have the same work that larger districts face. Capacity is a consideration.