Summer School

Attention DES parents/guardians that have children attending our Title 1 or after school program summer school.  We start on Monday, June 24. Summer Program hours for this program is 8:30- to 1:30.  Below is  a schedule of when the program is running as well as estimated pick up times for busses. 

Program Days: (This is for Title 1 and After School Program students, students who receive special education summer school have different days/times).

June 24 - 27 - Week 1 (Monday-Thursday)

July 8-11 - Week 2 (Monday - Thursday)

July 15 - 18 - Week 3 (Monday - Thursday)

July 22-25 - Week 4 (Monday-Thursday)

July 27-August 1 - Week 5 (Monday - Thursday)

Bus Times: These are estimate pick up times.  Drop off times will be between 1:30-2:00 for most students.  Please have someone ready to greet the busses. 

Bus 6 - Canton Point Dixfield - 7:30-7:35, Pine Woods Road 7:50, Turner St. Canton (7:55), Hayford Ct, Canton (8:15), Auburn Road Peru (8:27).

Bus 4 - Spencer Dr Carthage to Carthage Rd - 7:30, River road Carthage - 7:45, Francis Place, Carthage - 7:50, Coburn Rd - 7:55, Averill Hill - 8:05, Hathaway Ln, Dixfield - 8:10, North St. -8:20, Main st. Dixfield - 8:25.

Bus 1 - Valley Rd. Peru 8:00, Ridge Road, Peru - 8:05,. Mineral Sp. Rd., Peru - 8:15, Veterans St., Peru - 8:25.

Bus 16 - Common Road -7:30, Coyote Ln, - 7:40, Spring Dixfield  - 8:10, Collins Way - 8:20, Dirigo High School 8:25