Regional School Unit No. 56
147 Weld Street, Dixfield, Maine 04224
Phone: (207)562-4300 - Fax: (207)562-6075
Pam Doyen, Superintendent of Schools
March 16, 2020
Dear Parents/Guardians, Students and Community Members,
This email is designed to provide you with updates concerning RSU 56 school closures. As you are aware, our schools will be closed from Monday, March 16, 2020 through Friday, March 27, 2020. We will be reassessing updated guidance at that time to determine when reopening can occur. Please know that the RSU 56 school closure could continue beyond Friday, March 27, 2020.
Remote learning for RSU 56 students will begin next week, Monday March 23, 2020. School staff will be contacting homes this week to collect information that will help determine modes of remote instruction. If you have not received a call by Wednesday, March 18, 2020, please call your child(ren)’s school(s). Throughout this first week of school closure, you should encourage your child(ren) to read daily, write daily (perhaps letters to the residents of Pinnacle Health and Rehab as visitors are not being accepted at this time. The address is 23 Pleasant Street, Canton, ME 04221), practice math skills (either online, worksheets, or even with a board game such as Yahtzee). There are also suggestions and website links at the end of this letter that could be utilized. Please go to the RSU 56 website and click on specific schools for more detailed information pertinent to each academic level.
During the RSU 56 school closure period, building use will be closed to outside sources. We are considering how to move forward with School Board meetings. We will keep you posted on the process we will employ for School Board meetings.
Per the current MPA guidance, spring sports have all been postponed. During this school closure, no practices will be held. Please follow the Dirigo Athletics page on Facebook for current information.
At this time, we are planning on making food and assignments/materials deliveries on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons. Our nutrition department will continue to provide free breakfast and lunch to all interested students. We also have access to food bank supplies and can deliver to elderly and shut-in residents of our four towns. Please either call or email the Superintendent's Office (contact information above) if you are in need of this service.
Our Special Education Department will be working with families of identified students to provide the components in IEPs. Please know that this is complicated and will, hopefully, be outlined by the end of this week.
It is our goal to be a source of support during this stressful period. We will be offering remote learning as long as necessary. We understand the various stress levels on families but do sincerely request that you encourage your child(ren) to complete the assigned work. We want to continue to support all of our students and our current seniors who are slated to graduate in June. Let’s work together to ensure that they all meet the expectations and can graduate on time.
Pam Doyen, Superintendent of Schools
Grades PreK-5 links:
Need library books? Contact Miss Petherbridge at
DES Library:
Scholastic online learning
Mo Willems:
Learning games:
Learning games:
Grades 6-12 links:
Need library books? Contact Justin Fisette at
DHS Library:
TWKDMS Library:
Khan Academy:
Learning games:
Parents/Guardians and Community links:
Maine CDC: