Remote Public Hearing
In previous years, all school systems have been required to hold an annual budget meeting to be followed by a budget validation referendum vote. This year, because of the pandemic, Governor Mills issued Executive Order #56 on June 3, 2020, providing for school districts to hold a remote public hearing and school budget referendum in lieu of a budget meeting and budget validation referendum. The remote public hearing will be held as a Zoom meeting on June 30, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. People can join the Zoom meeting by computer or by telephone. The information to join the Zoom meeting by computer is as follows:
Topic: RSU56 Budget Hearing 2020
Time: Jun 30, 2020 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Password: 5656
Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US
This information can also be found on the RSU 56 website and the RSU 56 Facebook page.
During the remote public hearing, the School Board will review Articles 1 through 15 as shown in Part 1 of the School Budget Public Hearing Guide (shown on page 5) and review the six referendum questions as shown in Part 2 of the School Budget Public Hearing Guide (also shown on page 5). These six referendum questions will be the questions on the ballot for each of the four towns.
Anyone participating in the Zoom meeting can ask questions or make comments. No votes can be taken during this remote public hearing. Please feel free to call 562-4300 or email Pam Doyen, Superintendent ( or Mary Dailey, Business Manager ( with any comments or questions prior to the Zoom meeting.
To view the 20-21 Budget Documents please follow this link: