RSU56 Job Posting Update
6 months ago, RSU56 Updates
job posting update
Good Morning from RSU 56. There will be no school in RSU 56 today, 5/29/24 due to route 108 being closed still from the incident that occurred last night in Peru. This closure will not change the last day of school, more information will be coming out later today. Thank you and have a great day.
7 months ago, RSU56 Updates
Dirigo Elementary School - Teaching Openings * Music Teacher To secure and submit an application or letter of interest, please contact: Lisa Sanborn - 207-562-7552,
7 months ago, RSU56 Updates
Here is the link for tonight's school board meeting:
8 months ago, RSU 56 Updates
Good Morning from RSU 56. Due to the inclement weather we will have a remote learning day today, April 4, 2024. Have a great day.
9 months ago, RSU56 Updates
***RESCHEDULED*** Dirigo High School Class of 2025 Breakfast with the Easter Bunny March 30th, 2024 8:00am-10:00am Region 9 cafeteria $5 Entrance fee includes: * 2 Pancakes with butter & syrup * Sausage patty * beverage (juice, water, milk, coffee) * Easter basket craft & Easter candy Raffles! Raffles! Raffles! $1.00/ea. or 6/$5.00 or 14/$10.00 You do not have to be present to win! Flyer: The. Easter Bunny will be available for parents to take pictures! Proceeds to support Dirigo High School Class of 2025 Project Graduation.
9 months ago, RSU56 Updates
Good Morning from RSU 56. Due to the weather there will be a 1-Hour delay in RSU 56 today, 3/21/24. Thank you!
9 months ago, RSU56 Updates
DES Cubtastic Assembly - 14 Mar 2024 ------
10 months ago, RSU 56
DES Cubtastic Assembly - 14 Mar 2024 ------
10 months ago, RSU 56
As a reminder, Friday March 15th is a teachers workshop day in RSU56. Also, The RSU 56 school board approved having an early release on April 8 so families could observe the Solar Eclipse if desired. Student dismissal will be at 11:30 on April 8th, and Staff dismissal will be after the last bus leaves the school. Go Cougars!
10 months ago, RSU56 Updates
news icon
Good Morning from RSU 56. Due to power outages and issues from the storm in some areas, we will be having a remote learning day today, February 29, 2024. Thank you.
10 months ago, RSU56 Updates
Pre-K Registration - If you have a child who will be 4 years old by October 15 and you would like to register them for the Pre-K program at Dirigo Elementary School, please contact the school today at 562-4207. We are trying to eliminate our waiting list and potentially plan for a third Pre-K classroom. So please call as soon as possible to register your child.
11 months ago, RSU56 Updates
prek students
Good Morning from RSU 56. Due to the incoming storm, RSU 56 will have a Remote Learning Day today, 1/26/24.
11 months ago, RSU56 Updates
Good Morning from RSU 56. Due to the inclement weather there will be a two hour delay in RSU 56 today 1/25/24.
11 months ago, RSU56 Updates
Good Morning from RSU 56. Due to the incoming storm we will be having an early release day today, 1/16/24. Students will be dismissed at 11:30. There will be no after school activities today. Have a great day.
12 months ago, RSU56 Updates
Good Morning from RSU 56. Due to the inclement weather, RSU 56 will have a remote learning day today, 1/10/24.
12 months ago, RSU56 Updates
Good Morning from RSU 56. Due to the incoming storm, all afterschool activities are cancelled today, 1/9/24. This also includes the school board meeting that was scheduled for tonight. Have a great day.
12 months ago, RSU56 Updates
Good Evening from RSU 56. Due to the extreme flooding, road damages, and power outages, RSU 56 will have a traditional No School day tomorrow, Wednesday December 20th. Please stay safe.
about 1 year ago, RSU56 Updates
Good Morning from RSU 56. Due to the power outages and extreme flooding there will be no school in RSU 56 today, December 19th. This will be a traditional no school day. Thank you and stay safe everyone!
about 1 year ago, RSU56 Updates
Good Evening. There will be no in-person school in RSU 56 tomorrow, December 19th. The administration will meet early tomorrow morning and send out an alert on whether or not we will be providing remote instruction depending on the status of power outages in our four towns. Please stay safe and we will send out more information by 7:30am tomorrow.
about 1 year ago, RSU56 Updates