2023-24 School Year

August 16, 2023

Dear Students, Parents/Guardians,

I am pleased to welcome you to the 2023-24 school year. Everyone at Dirigo High School is looking forward to the return of students. (It's a tad quiet and lonely here in the summer.) Due to a staff training conflict, all students will start at Dirigo High School on Thursday, August 31, 2023. There will not be a Freshmen Orientation Day on Wednesday, August 30th. 

There will, however, be an Open House on Wednesday, August 30, 2023 from 4:00 - 6:00 at Dirigo High School. You can come in, see your rooms and meet your teachers. 

We will be having a modified schedule on Thursday, August 31 for opening day at Dirigo High School: 

7:30- 7:55 


7:55 - 8:30  

Cougar Paw (Mandatory)

8:35 - 9:10 

Period 1

9:15 - 10:00 

Period 2

10:05  - 10:50

Period 3

10:55 - 11:40   

Period 4

11:45 - 12:45 

Lunch and Open Gym

12:45 - 1:00 

Cougar Paw (Mandatory)

                      1:00 - 2:00  

Assembly (Mandatory)


                      2:00 - 2:20

Cougar Paw (Mandatory)

Students who have Region 9 must attend Mandatory Cougar Paw times as well as the assembly. Buses from Dirigo High School to Region 9 will be adjusted to meet that requirement. 

Changes to Open Campus: 

School-wide Open Campus was instituted in response to COVID 19. Given the reduced impact of COVID 19, Open Campus will be considerably reduced. There will be no Open Campus for Freshmen and Sophomore students. 

Seniors and Juniors, with written parental permission, may leave school property during lunch.  If a student fails to return for their next scheduled class, this privilege may be revoked. 

Seniors, who are passing all classes may, with written parental permission, leave school property during LL (RtI is considered a LL if a student is not signed up for RtI) and return as appropriate for their next scheduled class. If a student fails to return for their next scheduled class, this privilege may be revoked. Students are responsible for checking the RtI document daily to determine if they have been assigned RtI. 

Open campus privileges can be revoked by the administration at any time due to behavior or poor grades. 

Laptop Distribution:

Students will receive school issued laptops. Individual student laptops will be issued when all required forms are returned to the main office at DHS. 

Region 9:

Region 9 does begin on Wednesday, August 30, 2023 for a B day. RSU 56 buses will be running. You can come to Dirigo High School and we will transport you to Region 9 or you can drive yourself to Region 9. 

School Pictures:

Lifetouch will be in to take school portraits on Tuesday, September 26th. We require that all students have their picture taken, regardless of whether a portrait package will be purchased. This is necessary for student I.D. cards. 

Late Arrival Wednesdays:

Starting Wednesday, September 6th and continuing every Wednesday thereafter for the remainder of the school year; school will start at 8:55am as staff will be involved in professional development activities from 7:45am-8:45am. Students are encouraged not to arrive at school before 8:15am. 

We encourage you to complete and return all forms in this packet at the start of the school year. Please be aware that these forms are double sided, and there may be signatures required on both sides of the form. 

Thank you for the time it took to review and complete all of the materials provided. Please contact the school if you have any questions or concerns. 

Looking forward to seeing you all for the start of the school year!


Pam Doyen, Principal