Our number one priority during remote learning is to maintain student engagement. This is not just an extension of in-school learning, it is a different type of learning altogether. We understand that the caliber of education offered is completely different.
Due to the fact that remote learning is not the same as in-school learning, our grading procedures will reflect as much. For second semester in the 2019-20 school year, the following grading procedures will be in effect:
P (Pass) = think 70 - 100
Inc (Incomplete) = think 60 - 69 which will allow for credit recovery
F (fail) = think 59 and below, or no attempt by student to complete remote learning work
AP and Advanced classes will have numerical grades associated with P. The numerical grades will be noted in the comment section of the report card. The numerical grades associated with Advanced and AP classes will also be available as a supplement transcript report to send to colleges per student request.
All teachers should feel empowered to include comments in the narrative portion of report cards that help students and parents to understand the work that was completed during remote learning.
There will be no impact on GPA during this remote learning period; therefore, second semester grades will not be calculated into cumulative GPA scores.