November 12, 2020
RE: Snow/Storm Days in RSU 56
Dear Staff, Students, Parents/Guardians, and Community Members:
As we move further into November, it seems prudent to discuss potential snow days at this time. Given the nature of the pandemic, we have become accustomed to teaching and learning remotely; therefore, if conditions allow, we will revert to remote learning on snow days. Staff and students would be instructed, via an alert call as well as on the morning news, to use their storm packs (food sent home in advance) and to tune in via Zoom and Google Classroom for their instruction and assignments. The alert call will state, “RSU 56 will revert to remote learning today. No in-person learning will occur. Please use your storm packs.” The news announcement will read, “Remote learning in RSU 56 today.” Please let our nutrition director, Gena Cloutier, know if you want food sent and have not yet received any. She can be reached at
Will we ever have a traditional snow day? Most likely. If the weather conditions, such as a blizzard or Nor’easter, indicate that power outages will be an issue, RSU 56 would have a traditional snow day. Neither remote learning nor in-person learning would occur on a traditional snow day. The alert announcement would state, “No school in RSU 56 today.” The news announcement would read, “RSU 56 Closed.”
Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns regarding how RSU 56 will be handling snow/storm days.
Pam Doyen