
1 - Our students will be participating in the MIYHS survey on October 25th. 
In this time of great uncertainty, we are all concerned about the wellbeing of Maine students. The Maine Integrated Youth Health Survey (MIYHS) provides critical information on mental health, tobacco and substance use, physical activity and nutrition, and many other health behaviors among youth in our state. Data from the MIYHS are used to: • monitor new and emerging health trends, such as the concerns about student mental health or the increase in vaping among middle and high school youth; • help schools and communities identify student needs and track the success of interventions; • secure funds for programs to prevent substance use, violence, and other youth risk behaviors.

The student survey is anonymous and confidential. By participating in the MIYHS you will receive a data report for your school, providing you with valuable insight into the wellbeing of your school community. Additionally, this year, the MIYHS will ask about potential effects the COVID-19 pandemic has had on students’ academic and emotional wellbeing.

2 - All of our Juniors, and any other student who would like to, will be participating in ASVAB testing on November 10th. 
This heavily researched aptitude test measures students’ developed strengths and potential for success in training. The test results can be used to guide career planning, regardless of post-secondary intention.

The ASVAB CEP promotes career literacy through exposure to career-field entry requirements and future-oriented planning tools to help students develop an action plan to share with parents and educators. The ASVAB CEP is not all about the Military; it’s about options. The ASVAB CEP offers an equally unique opportunity to those interested in pursuing post secondary education, work-based learning and the Military because the ASVAB assesses academic ability and predicts success in a variety of careers in addition to military occupations.