Optional Face Masks

March 4, 2022 

Dear RSU 56 Educators, Students, Families and Community Members, 

This special announcement is in response to the fact that Oxford County has been listed as “medium” in terms of COVID transmission rates. 

The board-approved RSU 56 Return To Classroom Instruction Framework indicates that, “RSU 56 will require universal masking PreK - 12 when Oxford County is in substantial or high transmission rates.” Given that Oxford County is no longer listed as “substantial” or “high,” RSU 56 will transition to masks optional starting Saturday, March 5, 2022. 

RSU 56 will support personal choice for masking. Masks will still be available upon request.

A 5-day isolation is still required for identified positive cases. Per CDC guidance, masking will remain a requirement for any positive cases of COVID-19 returning to school/work in the 6-10 day window after confirmed diagnosis or symptom onset. 

It should be noted that the federal transportation requirement for masks on public transportation was lifted, including for school buses. RSU 56 will no longer require masks on all school transportation starting Saturday, March 5, 2022. 

As always, if you have any questions, please reach out and I will be happy to assist you. Sincerely,

Pam Doyen