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TWKDMS Winter 2023
Remote Learning Days
The following information is provided in the event that RSU 56 calls for a Remote Learning Day.
Attendance: The school day starts at 8:00 am. All students are expected to check in with their homeroom teacher either via email or by joining their teacher’s Zoom link before 10:00 am at the latest. Staff will then take homeroom attendance at 10:00 in PowerSchool. The reason for the delay in attendance is to provide a cushion of time to deal with power outages or other issues that may arise. We understand that there will be situations where attendance is impossible (just like for a regular school day), so please just do your best.
Staff Expectations: Google Classrooms will be updated with the day’s assignments by 8:00 am. Zoom links must be posted on the Google Classrooms in an area easily found. Staff must have their Zoom window open whenever they have instructional duties. Staff are to be available via Zoom to help students with their Google Classroom work for the entire instructional period. Staff with homerooms will take attendance at 10:00 am. Special education staff will directly email their students with session times and links.
Student Expectations: Students will complete assignments provided in Google Classroom. Students are expected to either join their homeroom teacher’s Zoom or send their homeroom teacher an email stating that they are working before 10:00 am for attendance purposes. Students with questions or seeking help will join their teacher’s Zoom when needed. Students will follow their normal school day schedule, teachers will be available in their Zoom rooms during class times. Students are already set up in Google Classrooms. It is true that it could be a comparatively “light” day, but it is still a school day and school rules for assignments still apply. This could be a great chance to get help from teachers via Zoom and get caught up on missing assignments once your daily assignments are completed.
Home-School Communication: We have made arrangements so that the school number (562-7552) will ring to reach Main Office personnel. If you or your student have questions or connectivity issues, please contact the school and we will do whatever we can to help. We can also connect you to a social worker or tech specialist.
Schedule: Class assignments are posted in Google Classroom and teachers are available via Zoom for students during their normally scheduled time. Below is the normal schedule by period. By this point in the year students know their schedule, but parents with questions can always log into PowerSchool to see their student’s schedule as well.