Attention Parent/Guardians: A parent contacted the school today with a question, and I felt it would be helpful if I made a fresh post. Starting in 2009, the State of Maine has asked schools to participate in an anonymous survey for students to take every-other-year. It is called the Maine Integrated Youth Health Survey. We are required to post about it within a certain window of time, which we did as prescribed when we sent the notice out on 01/27/25 to the webpage, Facebook page, and via the "thrillshare" software that directly contacts parents. We used to also mail home letters, but postage is expensive and we are working hard to save money in every way that we can. If you have any questions, feel free to call us. Go Cougars Here again is the link from 1/27/25: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qK-TTPbCkCHQrHPcgz85KcNUhSF2uQlD8fvuD36ZBE8/edit?usp=sharing

A big Go Cougars to the TWKDMS students who travelled to the State House with Student Council Advisor Mrs. Cyr today as Honorary Pages. I wonder how many future legislators are in this photo? I bet you there will be at least one. Civics rocks! Go Cougars!

Congratulations and Go Cougars to the Dirigo students who competed this weekend at the Maine State "Top Seed Tournament" Youth Wrestling Championship in Saco. They competed as part of the local Dirigo Youth Wrestling program, and once again they did very well! Champions from Dirigo Middle School included: Sawyer Lufkin, Gunnar Knowlton, and Girl's State Champion Jade Ocasio! Congratulations to all, and as always, Go Cougars!

We are still accepting applications for the following coaching positions for this spring!
Interviews will be happening soon, so don't miss your chance to apply.
If you have any questions, please contact our Athletic Director at sthurston@rsu56.org

Congratulations and Go Cougars to the TWKDMS Nordic Ski Team! They were voted the Junior Maine Ski League's Greg Waite Award winner for the second year in a row! This award recognizes the team with spirit, sportsmanship, camaraderie. Selection is based on a league vote by the 17 teams. No other team has ever won this honor twice, let alone twice in a row. Congratulations to the kids, Coach Buotte, and Coach Couture - and as always, Go Cougars!

Good Morning from RSU56. Due to the incoming storm there will be no school in RSU56 today, 2/27/25. Enjoy your snow day!

Here is our March lunch menu.

Good Morning from RSU 56. Due to the incoming storm there will be No School in RSU 56 today, 2/13/2025. Have a great day!

Due to the impending snowstorm, RSU 56 will be having an early release day today, Thursday, February 6, 2025. Student dismissal will begin at 11:30. No after school activities. Be safe everyone!

Due to the predicted timing of the impending storm for Thursday, February 6, 2025, RSU 56 is tentatively planning an early release day. School would begin at the regular time; however, student dismissal would begin at 11:30 Thursday morning. The storm is slated to start between noon and 1:00 in our towns. We believe this would allow for all students and staff to be home safely before the snow accumulates. There would be no after school activities. Please note that, if the storm track changes, new information will come out in the morning.

Good Morning. Our district phone system is down this morning. If you leave us a voicemail, we will receive it, and answer you as soon as possible.
If you need immediate assistance, please email us at the following addresses:
Dirigo Elementary School: tfletcher@rsu56.org
T.W. Kelly Dirigo Middle School: lsanborn@rsu56.org
Dirigo High School: dmelcher@rsu56.org
Central Office: cmatthews@rsu56.org

The phones at DMS are not working. However, we can receive voicemail messages through email. Please leave a message, and we will reply as soon as possible.

Good morning from RSU 56. Due to the snow there will be a 1-hour delay in RSU56 today 2/3/2025.

Here is our February Lunch Menu

TWKDMS students will take the Winter NWEAs on Thursday 01/30/25 and Tuesday 02/04/25. We have the students keep iPads at school the night before to ensure everyone is charged up and ready for testing days. Enjoy the weekend - Go Cougars!

E Pluribus Unum is a Latin phrase meaning “out of many, one.” Patriots used this thirteen-letter phrase in 1776 to signify the unity of the colonies in their quest for independence. Still found on the Great Seal of the United States and coinage, the phrase continues to be a powerful expression of our history, diversity, and unity. Next Friday, “Out of many, one,” will be the theme of our annual Diversity Day at TWKDMS. We will explore the history of different groups that have come together to make the population of Maine and emphasize that we can be "one." Students will hear from a speaker from the Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine and enjoy an educational dance workshop sponsored by Oxford Federal Credit Union. Students are coming home today with a letter for parents and guardians with more information about our plans. Have a great weekend and Go Cougars!

An Evening with the Autism Society of Maine for Parent's, Community members, and Professionals in RSU56 and RSU 10! Wednesday, January 22nd from 4:30-6PM at T.W.K Dirigo Middle School.

We are back to school on Thursday, January 2nd! Here is our January lunch menu.